Kaiser Permanente Northern California
KP Northern California medical record numbers (MRN) are 8 digits in length. Enter leading zeroes if your MRN is less than 8 digits. For example, if your MRN is the 7 digit number 1234567, enter 01234567.
Kaiser Permanente Southern California
KP Southern California medical record numbers (MRN) are 12 digits in length; they include a 2 digit prefix with a 10 digit MRN. Enter all 12 digits, including leading zeros. For example, enter 000123456789.
Kaiser Permanente Colorado
KP Colorado medical record numbers (MRN) are 9 digits in length and may contain spaces. Enter leading zeroes if your MRN is less than 9 digits; do not include spaces. For example, if your MRN is the 8 digit number 12 345 678, enter 012345678 without any spaces.
Kaiser Permanente Georgia
KP Georgia medical record numbers (MRN) are 7 digits in length. Enter leading zeroes if your MRN is less than 7 digits long. For example, if your MRN is the 6 digit number 123456, enter 0123456.
Kaiser Permanente Hawaii
KP Hawaii medical record numbers (MRN) are 3 to 9 digits in length and may contain spaces. Enter the numbers on your medical card without spaces. For example, if your MRN is a 7 digit number 12 34 567, enter 1234567 without any spaces.
Kaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic States
KP Mid-Atlantic States medical record numbers (MRN) are 8 or 9 digits in length. Enter the number exactly as it is on your member card. If your MRN starts with a zero, enter the 0. For example, if your MRN is the 9 digit number 012345678, enter 012345678.
Kaiser Permanente Northwest
KP Northwest medical record numbers (MRN, also known as a health record number or HRN) are 8 digits in length and may contain spaces. Enter all 8 digits without spaces or hyphens. Enter leading zeroes if your MRN is less than 8 digits. For example, if your MRN is the 6 digit number 123456, enter 00123456 without any spaces.
Kaiser Permanente Washington
KP Washington medical record numbers (MRN) are 8 digits in length. Enter leading zeroes if your MRN is less than 8 digits. For example, if your MRN is the 7 digit number 1234567, enter 01234567.